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Indigenous Inclusion Thought Leadership Series

Webinar on June 27, 2024, 1 PM EST

Taking Indigenous Relations, Reconciliation, and Inclusion to the Next Level: Strategies for Change

Many large organizations have dedicated Indigenous Relations specialists who are struggling with the rapid pace of change they are seeing in the Indigenous landscape.  The impacts of judicial wins have achieved their tipping points and Indigenous organizations continue to fight new and innovative cases based on rights and self-determination. Indigenous organizations are uniting and seeking equity positions in major projects. Expectations are increasing on the part of Indigenous people and governments. In this changing environment non-Indigenous settler organizations need new approaches based on co-design and a better sense of what Indigenous communities are wanting to achieve for the long term. 

At what point are organizations evolving their approach to Indigenous relations? What are the trigger points for change? How can Indigenous relations be aligned with our Indigenous engagement and employment strategies?

In the knowledge capital webinar, you will garner some insights and perspectives from recognized Indigenous leaders. These leaders will be expanding upon this topic at Inclusion Works 24, October 8-10, 2024 in Nanaimo.

Presented by

Moderator: Craig Hall, MBA

Stephen Lindley, Former VP SNC Lavalin (now AtkinsRealis),  Co-Chair Indigenous Works,  Principal, Stephen Lindley Consulting

Shaun Soonias, Director, Indigenous Relations, Farm Credit Canada and Board Member, Indigenous Works 

Female Leader: To be identified


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